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Topic: Shower/Laundry Places

Hi community! My name is Casey and I am looking for a free shower and laundry place. Does anyone know a place that I can go to in Seattle? #Shower#Laundry#Seattle

Reply to Topic: Shower/Laundry Places

Hi Casey! There are many places in Seattle that provide these services. A place you can go to is Urban Rest Stop. They provide restrooms, laundry, and shower for free! Here's their website: and address on Google Maps.
Topic: Shelter/Drop in Centers

Hi everyone! I'm Lily. I'm looking for a shelter/drop-in centers that can I stay overnight in Seattle. I would be greatly appreciated if you all can provide an address that I can go to. Thank you! #Shelter#DropInCenters#Seattle#Washington
Topic: A Poor Nomad Game Review

I just played "A Poor Nomad" and I really liked how the game was made! I had a better understanding of the subject of nomadic houseless people. #APoorNomadGame