A Poor Nomad



NCSL Youth Homelessness Overview
Nomad Definition
Freighthopping Wikipedia
Hitchhiking Wikipedia
Rubber Tramp Definition
Number of Homeless Youth (Invisible People)
Effects of Youth Homelessness (Invisible People)

Stories of Nomadic Youth

Amber and Earl (Invisible People)
Carol Ann (Invisible People)
Rule (Invisible People)
Terra (Invisible People)

How to Help

Get Involved with Invisible People
Talk to Your Legislators (Invisible People)
What to Know Before You Volunteer at a Homeless Shelter (ReGeneration)

Amendment 29

Why ‘Compassion Seattle’ will do more harm than good for our unhoused neighbors (solid ground)

Get Help

Get Help (YouthCare)
Safe Place (YouthCare)
Seattle Food Banks & Meal Sites
ROOTS Young Adult Shelters
Queen Anne Helpline Servicess
Clothes at West Seattle Food Bank
Education (YouthCare)
Employment (YouthCare)
Homeless but not friendless: How a Facebook group supports people on the streets (LA Times)